• Body of Work,  Sunday Snippets

    Sunday Snippet-Body of Work

    This Sunday’s eight sentences are from my new release, BODY OF WORK, and part of the Weekend Writing Warriors meme.

    In this snippet, Cassie has arrived at the gym and she’s walking through the parking lot.

    She spied Brian’s dark-green Jeep near the door. Due to last night’s storm, the top was up and the doors in place. Not the norm. The man preferred it stripped to the bare bones, a deathtrap on four thick wheels. She’d only seen him driving it one time, but the image was a keeper. Ginger-haired lumberjack of a man with one hand on the wheel, one hand on the roll bar overhead, his left foot sticking out the doorless gap as he peeled into the lot. A man’s vehicle had never done much for her until the day she saw Brian in this Jeep. Consider her among the converted.

    Can you picture him? I hope so!

    BODY OF WORK is now available from Amazon, Kobo, All Romance, Ellora’s Cave.

    Thanks for visiting. Have a great day 🙂