Gift Wrapped,  Sunday Snippets

Sunday Snippet – GIFT WRAPPED – Curvy

Time for another Sunday snippet from GIFT WRAPPED, my holiday romance, part of the Weekend Writing Warriors meme. This little bite follows immediately after last week’s excerpt. Store manager Brinn has let a handsome shopper into her store after closing on Christmas Eve, to find “one more gift…it’s kind of an emergency”.

Gift Wrapped book cover“So, give me the specs on this not-a-wife, not-a-girlfriend, who doesn’t wear perfume.”

His hands disappeared into the front pockets of his jeans, taking her mind along with them. “I’d say Alicia’s about your height and build, but younger, and less…curvy.”

“And on that note, guess I’ll start my New Year’s diet a week early and pray that Santa brings me some anti-aging cream.” When he dared to chuckle, Brinn pulled a pair of black, size-small pants and a soft, white hoodie from the rack and stabbed them at him. “How about this set—it looks fantastic on trim, younger women.”

“Do you like it?” he asked, not even bothering to look at the stuff, just keeping his gaze on her.

“I do—I have the same ones at home…slightly stretched out from my curviness.”

Want more holiday fun? GIFT WRAPPED is available now for just $2.99

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Check it out on Goodreads — 4+ stars with over 100 ratings & 40 reviews!


After catching her boyfriend cheating two weeks before Christmas, Brinn is seriously lacking in holiday spirit. So when she looks into the eyes of a last-minute shopper after closing on Christmas Eve, she’s sarcastic rather than sympathetic. But Brinn is ever the good girl and her conscience wins out. She offers the handsome stranger ten minutes to select a gift and ends up with a present of her own—a date. On Christmas Eve.

Davis hates Christmas. Especially this year, since a neighborhood heist liberated him of his hard-earned belongings and the few gifts he’d purchased. But the robbery led him to a cute store manager with a sense of humor, smokin’ body and no plans for the evening. Mistletoe might be in order after all.

Their Christmas Eve date is like gift-wrapped, sexy satisfaction. But the best gifts keep on giving, and one naughty night may not be enough—for either of them.

Read Chapter One here

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