Body of Work,  Sunday Snippets

Sunday Snippet-Body of Work

It’s June! How did this happen? 😉

Thanks for stopping by to check out my Sunday snippet. This excerpt is from my May release, BODY OF WORK, and comes to you via the Weekend Warrior Writers.


She handed the bartender the cash and lifted the glass. The aromas of sugar and alcohol filled her nose. She believed him that it’d taste good, but she bet the innocent-looking concoction still held the power to numb her face. “It’s really pretty, what is it?”

“Loch Ness Monster.”

“Ooh, sounds dangerous — should I be scared?”

Another laugh as he placed her change on the bar. “Only if you have multiple sightings.”

Yup, that’s a real drink. Here’s how you make it:

In a glass, layer equal quantities of melon liqueur, Bailey’s Irish Cream, and Jägermeister, in that order. Then, bottoms up!

Want to win one of my books? Head over to the Riverina Romantics blog, where MORE THAN WORDS is featured as part of the Tattoo Week event. Fill out the rafflecopter and you could win your choice of my titles. That simple!


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